Abishek Balu Kothandaraman
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Abishek Balu Kothandaraman

Embedded Systems Developer


Energetic and Skilled Embedded Systems Developer with passion towards Internet-of-Things, Automation and Robotics

I have always dreamt of digitalizing the day-to-day activities and developing devices that are of diurnal usage to mankind. This fantasizations of mine from a very young age made me pursue a career in the field of Computers.

This vision of mine since childhood proved to be a driving force in the pursuit of publishing an ideation paper titled "Biometric Based Bus Ticketing System" at an International Conference in February 2018 at Aurangabad, India during my final year of Undergraduate School.

I am currently pursuing my Masters degree in Embedded Systems at Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, since when my interest towards Internet-of-Things and Automation grew. This was also one of the times, where I learnt that Machine Learning is to play a vital role in the future of my fantasies. It is my strong belief that Internet-of-Things, Automation and Machine Learning combined together shall overcome any problem and can bring in many more innovations in the field of Information Technology which I wish to be a part of.


M.Sc, Embedded Systems

Uppsala University, Sweden.

B.E, Electronics and Communication

Anna University, Chennai, India


Graduate Thesis Student

Uppsala University

  • Engaged in a research project with the Medical Microwave Engineering Group.

  • Assess the quality of muscles and optimize the sensor.

Pub Host

Vastmanlands-Dala Student Nation

  • Leading a team of 10, managing the pub with an approximate 200 guests.

  • Examine the inventory and report the same every night.


Liberins, Chennai, India

  • Directed the e-commerce venture of books for engineering students in Chennai, India, found by a group of 5 people in collaboration with the undergraduate school.

  • Being a channel between the Suppliers and Consumers, avoided the need of a warehouse, thereby reducing the cost of Investment.


Programming Languages





Embedded C

Web Development












Operating Systems


Red Hat




Smart Home Systems

November 2019 -- March 2020

  • Integrated the Smart Jar and the Automatic light control system in the same controller using LEGO Mindstroms EV3 hardware.

Intelligent Interactive Systems

May 2019

  • Detected Emotion and matched them with Artificially sythesized emotions with the utmost degree of possibility, using Machine Learning techniques: kNN, SVM, Random Forest and Neural Networks.

  • A pipeline was developed with two other teams, wher one team captures the facial expression of an image and extracts emotion points and the other team would use the machine learning model and deliver the final output.

Human Computer Interaction

January 2019

  • Designed and developed a prototype of a Pulse Rate Monitoring System acquiring necessary feedback from the professor and other random people.

Weather Station

October 2018

  • Read the Temperature, Pressure and Humidity values using a Raspberry Pi.

  • Exhibited the same in a web-page.


Presented a webinar on the Importance on Higher Education to undergraduate students of Sri Sairam Institute of Technology, Chennai, India.

The idea of our e-commerce venture of books, was selected as one of the top 3000 startup ideas among a total 0f 15000 ideas by IIM Calcutta Innovation Park


Event Co-ordinator

TEDxSriSairamIT, TEDxUppsalaUniversity

  • Led a team of 5, taking care of the basic requirements of the day.

  • Planned, Organized and Documented the entire event comprising 100 guests.
